My husband wonders why I'm so tired.
Why I love going to bed at 8pm.
And I get it! I used to stay up later with him, watching a TV show like Game of Thrones.
But I haven't done that since... well... approximately 6 years ago.
If you know me, the math is easy. I have a 9 year old son and a 6 year old daughter, and it was about the time when she was brought into this world that my work load - both at home and at work - doubled.
For those of you saying 37 tasks before 9am... IMPOSSIBLE - here is it.
Walked the dog.
Fed the dog.
Folded one load of towels in the dryer and the clothes that were hung up to dry.
Started another load that was on the floor.
Packed 2 school lunches and snacks.
Checked that homework folders were set.
Remembered to pack Pink Bear for "Favorite Stuffed Animal Day" for Kid 2.
Added supplies to the Amazon shopping list for Kid 1's upcoming school project.
Made Breakfast.
Set out everyones Vitamins.
Picked up the living room.
Worked Out.
Texted my mom friend about carpool that morning.
Emailed my kids teacher back about a homework assignment.
Watered the plants inside.
Unloaded the dishwasher.
Put away the dry pots and pans that were hand washed.
Cleaned up the kitchen sink and any remaining dishes.
Ordered new uniforms on Amazon because kids grow.
Written out one podcast outline.
Submitted a TV News Segment
Checked email.
Approved a travel expense.
Booked travel for a Mastermind.
Cleaned the downstairs toilet (because why not).
Thawed out the chicken for dinner tonight.
Set a reminder to call the dentist at 9am when they open.
Woke up the kids.
Got them dressed in their uniform.
Ushered them through the basics - Brush hair, brush teeth, etc...
Cleaned up after breakfast.
Reviewed spelling words for my oldest sons test.
Loaded up the car with kids, backpacks, etc.
Picked up the neighborhood kid.
Completed drop off at school.
Filled up the tank with gas.
Ran through the grocery store to grab more milk.
So, why do I love going to bed at 8pm?
Because by the time the sun rises, I’ve already lived an entire day within a few hours.
My mornings start early, and my responsibilities never seem to end. As a working mom, balancing career ambitions with the needs of my family, I wear many hats. Each task may seem small on its own, but together, they form a mountain that I climb every single day.
The mental load is real. It’s not just the physical act of completing each of these tasks; it’s the constant mental juggling, the planning, the remembering, and the adjusting that takes its toll. When I finally lay my head on the pillow at 8pm, it’s not just because I’m physically tired, but because my mind has been running a marathon since dawn.
Supporting working moms isn't just about recognizing the physical workload we carry; it's about understanding the mental and emotional labor that goes into making everything work. It’s about partners, employers, and communities stepping up to share the load, to offer a hand, and to truly value the contributions of working mothers.

So, the next time you wonder why a working mom might be in bed by 8pm, remember this list. Think about the invisible workload she carries, and how supporting her is not just about lightening her day, but about lifting up her entire world.
To all the working moms out there, I see you. Your hard work, dedication, and love don’t go unnoticed. And to everyone else, let’s do our part in supporting these incredible women, because when we lift each other up, we all rise.
Goodnight, world. It’s been a long day.